Pachamama Farm
A few years ago, Oliver Weber and Allie Dodge adopted Pachamama as their new home. As stewards of this beautiful property with sweeping views of the fertile gulch and the distant Front Range, Oliver and Allie continue to grow organic food for their community. After receiving his master's degree in Ecological Agriculture in Germany and spending five years with Boulder's Abbondanza Organic Seeds & Produce, Oliver was ready to put down his roots at Pachamama. Allie brought her background in acupuncture and mind-body medicine to their new endeavor. Together, Oliver and Allie have grown their farm into a healing arts and eco-agricultural education center: Pachamama Farm & Wellness. The growing season begins early at Pachamama: by mid-spring, asparagus sends up its tender spears and rhubrarb unfurls its gargatuan leaves atop ruby-red stalks. The strawberry patch is already in bloom, and the farm crew is hard at work preparing the fields for summer crops and farm dinners.